Cycling/Bicycle Riding

What is Cycling/Bicycle Riding?

CATEGORY: Exercises

Cycling is the use of bicycles, unicycles, tricycles, quadricycles and other similar wheeled vehicles as a means of transport, a form of recreation or a sport. It is done on roads and paths, across open country or even over snow and ice. It is also done on stationary exercise equipment.

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How do members experience Cycling/Bicycle Riding?

Top 5 reported purposes & perceived effectiveness

Purpose Patients Evaluations Perceived Effectiveness
General health 100 42
Parkinson's disease 20 14
Stiffness/spasticity 15 5
Improve flexibility/strength 9 14
Improve mobility 5 2

Common side effects

Side effect Patients Percentage
Fatigue 3
Muscle soreness 3
Pain in knee(s) 2
Cold sensation in hand(s) 1
Muscle aches 1
None 1

Side effect severity

Side effects as an overall problem
Severity Evaluations Percentage
Severe 1
Moderate 4
Mild 18
None 66

Member evaluations


evaluated on Jul 11, 2016

  • Perceived effectiveness for General health: Major
  • Side effects: Mild


evaluated on Jul 11, 2016

  • Perceived effectiveness for slowness in initiation of movement: Major
  • Side effects: Mild


evaluated on Jan 15, 2013

  • Perceived effectiveness for Parkinson's disease: Major
  • Side effects: Mild
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