Today is World Lupus Day, and we’ve got a new video to share with you. Our partner LupusChick, Marisa Zappieri-Caruana, recently stopped by PatientsLikeMe and answered questions about some tips and tricks for living with lupus.
Marisa sat down with Hayley Sykes, from the PatientsLikeMe Strategic Partnerships team, to answer the questions below. Patients posted questions like these in the Lupus Forum, so we turned to Marisa (who has more than 16 years of experience managing lupus with a variety of treatments, and chronicles her experiences on her blog).
Here's Marisa with some PatientsLikeMe team members, raising awareness with the "L" sign for lupus.[/caption]
On PatientsLikeMe, more than 25,000 people are living with lupus. Join the community today to see and share what works.
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“I used to be in a wheelchair, so there’s definitely been improvement through the years,” she says.
See what’s worked for Marisa, and what pointers she has to offer (click on each question, or watch the entire 10-minute video here). [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="590"]