Today, March 26, 2013, is American Diabetes Association Alert Day, so we are doing our part at PatientsLikeMe by putting out our own alert. Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes? Take the American Diabetes Association’s Diabetes Risk Test right now to find out now.
One in three adult Americans is estimated to have prediabetes – marked by high blood sugar levels – so don’t think it couldn’t happen to you. Fortunately, lifestyle changes such as weight loss and increased physical activity can delay the onset of type 2 diabetes, or even prevent it altogether.
Not only will you find out your risk level by taking this free and fast test, but you’ll help raise money to fight the growing diabetes epidemic (26 million children and adults in the US). Boar’s Head is donating $5 to the ADA for every person who takes the test between March 26th and April 9th – up to $50,000.
So take a moment and answer a few simple questions about your weight, age, family history and other potential risk factors. You’ll be helping yourself potentially avoid a serious disease, and you’ll be helping others no matter what. Take the test now.