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Stomach pain and blood in stools can be alarming symptoms. If you’re experiencing them, it should not be taken lightly. It’s important to understand the potential causes, the seriousness of these symptoms, and when to seek medical care. At PatientsLikeMe, we believe in empowering you with knowledge to make informed health decisions.
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Common Causes of Blood in Stool
Stomach pain and blood in stools can result from a variety of conditions, ranging from mild to severe. Figuring out the root cause is the first step to addressing the issue effectively. While some causes may resolve with simple lifestyle changes, others may require medical intervention. Please note that this is not medical advice and if you have any concerns around your health, you should connect with your healthcare provider.
Gastroenteritis, or as we all know it, the stomach flu, is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, bacterial or viral infections are the most common culprits of the stomach flu. Common symptoms are stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and body aches. In some cases where blood in the stool is present, it is a sign of a more serious infection like E.coli strain O157:H7. The Center for Disease Control estimates that E.coli strain O157:H7, the predominant bacterial cause of blood in stool, accounts for over 63,000 illnesses a year! Staying hydrated is crucial, and electrolyte solutions may help in severe cases. Avoiding spicy or greasy foods can also alleviate symptoms.
Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the lower portion of the rectal area. They are a common cause of bright red blood in the stool or fresh blood on toilet paper after wiping, especially during bowel movements. While they can be uncomfortable, they are usually not serious and can be managed with over-the-counter treatments or lifestyle changes. A healthcare provider can help determine if you have hemorrhoids and provide a personalized treatment plan.
Anal Fissure
An anal fissure, or anal ulcer, is a small tear in the lining of the anus, often caused by passing hard stools. This condition may lead to rectal bleeding and sharp pain while you poo followed by a burning pain that may last for hours. Proper hydration and a fiber-rich diet can aid in healing. There are some ointments and creams your provider may prescribe to help soothe your skin. Anal fissures more often than not heal quickly without additional problems. You should see a healthcare provider if you think you have an anal fissure. Anal fissures are common. Most patients are initially embarrassed but that should not stop you from seeking help.
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the lining of the colon and rectum. Symptoms often include diarrhea mixed with blood, abdominal cramping, fatigue, and unintended weight loss. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases states that managing ulcerative colitis typically involves medications to reduce inflammation, as well as dietary changes to minimize symptoms or flares. PatientsLikeMe has a community for those experiencing Ulcerative Colitis. Join the group discussions and access resources to help you manage your symptoms.

Color of Stool
The color of your stool can offer important clues about your digestive health. The color can help your doctor identify where the health issues may be coming from. It’s essential to pay attention to these stool color changes and consult a healthcare provider when needed.
Black, Tarry Stool
Black, tarry stool can indicate bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, which can come from stomach ulcers, sores in your esophagus, and cancer. If stomach pain and blood in stools are present together, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider. Certain foods and supplements can turn your poo black without there being a serious medical issue such as black licorice, blueberries, and iron supplements. Be sure to inform your doctor if you have had those foods or supplements recently.
Bright Red Blood
Before you jump to conclusions and assume red poop means bloody poop, ask yourself if you have eaten red foods lately. Eating foods like beets, tomato soup, or red drinks can cause your poo to be red or even pinkish in color. If it’s not your diet then it may be blood. Bright red blood often suggests bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract, such as hemorrhoids or an anal fissure. This type of blood is typically fresher and less processed by the digestive system. While often linked to less severe conditions, persistent or heavy bleeding may point to issues such as ulcerative colitis or cancer, which require evaluation by a healthcare professional.

FAQ About Blood in Stool
Is bright red blood in my stool worse than darker blood?
Not necessarily. Bright red blood often indicates a lower gastrointestinal issue, while darker blood may suggest bleeding higher up in the digestive tract. Both are reasons enough to visit your healthcare provider.
When should you worry about blood in your stool?
Seek medical attention if you experience persistent or heavy bleeding, severe abdominal pain, or black, tarry stools.
Can straining too hard to poop cause rectal bleeding?
Yes, straining can cause or worsen conditions like hemorrhoids and anal fissures, leading to rectal bleeding.
Will rectal bleeding go away on its own?
Minor bleeding, such as from hemorrhoids or small fissures, often resolves with home care. However, persistent or severe bleeding requires medical attention.
What is the treatment for rectal bleeding?
Treatment depends on the cause. Options could include dietary changes, medications, or procedures such as endoscopy or surgery.
Diagnosing the Cause of Blood in Stool
Diagnosing the cause of blood in the stool typically involves a thorough evaluation by a doctor. They will review your medical history, ask about symptoms, and perform a physical examination. Depending on the findings, further diagnostic tests may be necessary to pinpoint the underlying issue. These tests help determine whether the bleeding is due to a minor condition, such as hemorrhoids, or a more serious gastrointestinal problem.
An endoscopy involves using a flexible tube with a camera to examine the digestive tract. This procedure can help identify the source of bleeding and guide treatment. Endoscopy is particularly useful for diagnosing conditions like peptic ulcers and gastrointestinal cancers. It is often performed under sedation, making the process comfortable for the patient.
Other Procedures
Other diagnostic methods may include colonoscopy, which examines the entire colon and rectum to identify sources of bleeding, such as polyps or cancer. Imaging like a CT scan, can help detect inflammation or other abnormalities in the digestive system. Stool tests, including fecal occult blood tests, can reveal hidden blood not visible to the naked eye, providing further insights into potential gastrointestinal issues.
Connect with Other Patients Experiencing Blood in Stool
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