Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Congratulations, you and your significant other have made the decision to start trying to have a baby! Starting a family can be one of life's most meaningful moments, but sometimes the journey isn't as straightforward as expected. Infertility doesn’t just fall on women, it affects men just as much. For men, identifying the signs of infertility can be tricky, and it often takes some time to realize there might be an issue. If you're trying to conceive and you consistently experience these common signs of infertility in men like testicle changes, erectile dysfunction and changes in sex drive, it’s worth starting a conversation with your doctor.

4 Signs of Infertility in Men
Infertility can happen because of a mix of factors, some physical, others hormonal, and even lifestyle related. These are 4 early signs that might signal male infertility. While one or two of these symptoms alone doesn't necessarily mean you're infertile it's good to get checked out if they persist.
#1 Small or Firm Testicles
Small or firm testicles are sometimes one of the first signs that something is up. The testicles play a huge role in sperm and testosterone production. In fact, testosterone is key in sperm production and helps with a balanced sex drive while also reducing the chances of erectile dysfunction.
Recognizing small or firm testicles can be challenging because unlike a doctor, you might not be familiar with what is small or unusually firm or “normal”. Consider what is usual for you! You know your body better than anyone else. Take note if they feel or look different. A general rule of thumb is that both testicles are the same size and they feel soft and slightly elastic. Irregularities with your testicles are sometimes accompanied by a dull ache, swelling, and changes in libido.
#2 Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is another potential sign of infertility. The inability to get or maintain an erection can happen for many physical reasons like type 2 diabetes, obesity, or medication side effects, but it could also point to low levels of testosterone which is tied to infertility. As I mentioned earlier, testosterone affects both libido and sperm production so it is difficult to definitively say you are infertile from home just from experiencing ED.If you are frequently struggling with getting and maintaining an erection, talk to your health care provider and they can help pin point potential causes and treatments.
Don’t underestimate the power of your emotions. Feelings of relaxation and confidence help with getting and maintaining an erection. ED can stem from psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. If you are experiencing consistent unresolved frustrations, stress, or anxiety in your relationship, you may consider couples therapy to navigate those emotions. Excessive alcohol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle or lack of activity can all contribute to erectile issues as well.
#3 Testicle Pain and Swelling
Consistent pain or swelling in your testicles could be a sign of infertility. The occasional discomfort is normal but if the pain is chronic or there is visible swelling, it might indicate a few health issues:
- Varicocele: This is the most common and reversible cause of male infertility. In fact the Mayo Clinic states “Among men with fertility problems, about 40% have a varicocele”. Varicocele is when the vein that drains the fluids from the testicles swells up. This prevents blood flow circulation and causes low testosterone.
- Infections: Sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea or chlamydia, when untreated can interfere with not only sperm production but the passage of sperm.
- Tumors: Cancers and nonmalignant tumors can affect the pituitary gland which directly affects the release of hormones.
#4 Changes In Sex Drive
Hormones are powerful drivers when it comes to libido. If you notice a consistent change in your sex drive, specifically if you experience a decrease in your sex drive, it could be tied to low levels of testosterone. When testosterone levels drop, libido dips, and that makes conceiving difficult.
There isn’t one reason for a decrease in libido. Similar to ED, there are psychological influences as well. If you have experienced a major life event whether it pertains to your romantic connection or it could be the stress of trying to have a baby. Changes in your sex drive in combination with any of the other symptoms like erectile dysfunction, testicle pain or swelling, or changes in testicle size and firmness are reasons to reach out to your doctor for an official diagnosis.

You’re Not Alone
With PatientsLikeMe you can compare different fertility treatments, see real-world success rates, and learn from others' experiences with erectile dysfunction and male infertility. Our tracking tools help you monitor your symptoms, treatment side effects, and progress over time – valuable information to share with your healthcare team.
Plus, our community members regularly share tips about insurance coverage, affordable medication options, and ways to navigate the healthcare system more effectively. You'll find resources to save you time and money and, most importantly, connect with others who truly understand this journey. Together with your healthcare providers and our supportive community, you can develop and follow a plan that works best for you. Join today.
How common is infertility? (2018, February 8). https://www.nichd.nih.gov/. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/infertility/conditioninfo/common
Varicocele - Symptoms and causes. (n.d.). Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/varicocele/symptoms-causes/syc-20378771