Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Whether you’re planning a trip for work or for pleasure, there’s no denying that traveling can be stressful. If you are living with lupus, you might initially think that travel is a huge undertaking, or that it's just not an option for you. That couldn’t be farther from the truth! You can manage lupus on the go by balancing travel with self-care.
The Facts About Lupus
For people living with lupus, the immune system is unable to distinguish between their own cells and those of bacteria and viruses. This response ultimately causes the immune system to attack the body which results in inflammation. When lupus flares up, symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, weakness, joint pain and headaches begin.

Knowing your flare-up triggers and planning to manage symptoms is key to easy travel. Many lupus patients experience a flare up of symptoms in response to:
- UV rays from fluorescent light and sunlight
- A bacterial or viral infection and/or the medication used to treat it
- Emotional stress
- Physical injury
- Exhaustion

Lupus on the Go: Self-Care Essentials
At home, you are probably prepared to manage your symptoms as they come up. Your home is your comfort zone, and you need to bring that comfort with you on your travels. You can manage your lupus on the go by packing a self-care kit.
Medication, supplements & home remedies
Start with packing your medication, you’ll need enough for the whole trip plus a few days extra to account for unexpected travel delays. Be sure to include any supplements and pain relievers that you would normally use at home. You should store your medication in your carry on and consult with the airline if you have questions. Next, pack any home remedies or anything that makes you feel more comfortable, like essential oils or a heating pad.
Sun Exposure
No matter where you’re headed, don’t forget your sunscreen and sunglasses! If you are headed to the beach or plan to be outdoors frequently, pack sun protective clothes and a high rated sunscreen. At the beach, rent an umbrella so you have some shade to relax in.
Find Ways to De-Stress Throughout the Trip
Lupus symptoms can be exacerbated by stress, so be sure to find time to quietly recharge during the trip and get a good sleep. Bring a book, podcast, playlist or simple activity with you that you can use to relax. Pack your favorite comfy clothes and dress comfortably for the time spent traveling.
Smart Eating & Hydration
Show yourself care while you are away and incorporate healthy food choices into your diet each day. A great way to do this is to pack some of your favorite healthy snacks and look for anti-inflammatory foods on the menus. Try to stay hydrated by keeping bottled water with you and don’t over-indulge in too much sugar or caffeine.

Traveling with Lupus: Realistic Expectations
Plan out where you are headed and what activities you’ll be enjoying for the most successful vacation. Try to travel during mild weather that doesn’t influence your symptoms. Plan down time around your activities for rest, you can even plan for rest days after your trip to reset. You must be realistic about what you are able to do and how you feel. Above all else, listen to your body and take a break if you start to feel symptoms rising. It's a good idea to be flexible if you are managing your lupus on vacation. If you are new to traveling with your condition, and you aren’t sure how you’ll feel, keep your daily agenda light!
If you’re looking for extra support as you prepare for your trip, connect with the PatientsLikeMe community in our Lupus group! Join us today!