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Your loved one is suddenly suffering with a depressed mood, lack of motivation, and a loss of interest in things they once loved. This person you care for needs help, but where do you start? Check out this article below full of tips and tricks for supporting a loved one with MDD.
Mental Health America’s recent statistics on major depressive disorder report, “major depression (MDD) is one of the most common mental illnesses, affecting more than 8% (22.5 million) of American adults each year." According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about “280 million people worldwide have depression, which is roughly 3.8% of the global population.” People living with major depressive disorder often lose interest in activities that once brought them joy. It suddenly becomes difficult to execute on everyday tasks and often hinders a person’s ability to function normally.

Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder
If you want to learn more about the differences between depression and MDD, check out this article on our blog.
Health professionals have a diagnostic criterion they use to determine if a person is suffering from major depressive disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association determines an MDD diagnosis based on the following:
The American Addiction Centers summarizes that someone with major depressive disorder must experience five or more of the following symptoms for at least two weeks to be diagnosed with this condition:
- Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day
- Decreased interest in previously enjoyed activities or hobbies
- Drastic weight loss or gain that cannot be attributed to diet
- Insomnia or hypersomnia
- Psychomotor agitation
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
- Difficulty thinking or concentrating
- Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation
Supporting a Loved One with MDD

MDD affects millions of people around the globe. If you are fortunate enough not to be one of them, you may be wondering how you can help a friend or loved one manage their symptoms. Depression is a layered mental illness that impacts a person’s ability to think, function, and stay motivated. In extreme cases, the disorder can result in suicidal ideation or worse when left untreated.
Here are 5 steps you can take to support someone you believe may be suffering from depression or major depressive disorder:
Step 1: Learn About Major Depressive Disorder
The more you understand about depression and depressive symptoms, the more supportive you can be to your loved one. By understanding the condition and everything that comes with it, you can help your beloved to recognize patterns, pain points, and other ways that the disorder is impacting their daily life. Because depression hinders a person’s ability to think clearly, it is helpful to be able to provide research and support for the person to understand what is happening before they seek treatment or outside support.
Step 2: Encourage Professional Medical Interventions
Although your support makes a world of difference in the lives of an individual suffering with MDD, it is critical that a doctor or medical professional see, evaluate, and accurately diagnose your loved one. Often, depressive symptoms can be linked to other conditions such as bipolar disorder or anxiety. If a person does not seek a proper diagnosis, treatments can prove ineffective and can even be discouraging for the person suffering. By supporting your loved one in scheduling an appointment with both a therapist and a psychiatrist, you are empowering them to get diagnosed and start a treatment regimen that will empower them to combat their illness and lead a fulfilling and healthy life. If you find your loved one pushing back, offer to attend appointments or provide transportation to help them achieve this step.
Step 3: Create a Safe Space
Establishing that you are flexible in the ways you will show up and support someone who is in a vulnerable place is critical. When someone is struggling, we often assume we need to “take charge” and do everything we can to help this individual. Although these actions come from a place of love, this approach may worsen symptoms and make the person feel incompetent or dependent on you to move throughout their day. Instead of assuming what your loved one needs when they are suffering with MDD, create a safe space where they can advocate for what they desire and express when they need space or time to be alone as well.
Step 4: Show Your Support
There are several ways to be supportive of your friend or family member during this time. If they are struggling with schedules or appointments, you can offer to help them manage their calendar or even get them to the doctor. If they need help remembering new medications or sticking to their treatment plan, be a sounding board of support and care to help them to continue taking care of themselves.
It is important to remember that when we are supporting people with mental health issues, they often simply need an ear to listen. Instead of jumping in and assuming that your feedback is needed, take a beat to ask the person you are helping if they would like advice or if they simply need to vent. This will help preserve your relationship with this person while simultaneously building a trusting and supportive space for them to be honest about what they might be struggling with at this moment.
Step 5: Practice Self-Care
Do not forget yourself in this process. When you are caring for anyone outside of yourself, especially those who are suffering with a severe mental or chronic illness, it is crucial that you find time for self-care. Taking a moment to reset and renew means you will be an even greater tool for those you are supporting. Be patient, kind and malleable in your approaches to this person. MDD is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis. Unfortunately, it can take a lot of time and energy to find the right medications and therapeutic interventions to start seeing your loved one improve. In the meantime, make sure you are eating right, exercising, and finding time for yourself.
And if you find that your day-to-day with said loved one is too much, do not be afraid to ask for additional support. Whether that means calling on additional family members or friends, or finding support groups where you can discuss your own struggles with the situation.