For many, the summer months are a joyous time. Vacations, sunny days, and shorter nights. A chance to just relax and kick back with your family. Or even, time to enjoy the things you don’t normally get to during the rest of the year. But, for others, summertime can result in an unexpected depressive period, known as summertime Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). According to the American Psychiatric Association, “Estimates of how many people have summertime seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as reverse SAD or summer blues, range from 0.1% to 10% of the population,” though the exact numbers are still unclear.

Symptoms of SAD
If you are a person living with depression, you have likely heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder. This disorder is typically associated with the winter months, where the days become shorter and darker. People with SAD during the wintertime often feel:
- Overwhelming sadness
- Hopelessness
- A loss of energy
- An increase in appetite
- Weight gain
- Increased sleep or insomnia
- Isolation
- Decreased interest in everyday activities
Symptoms of Summertime SAD
This smaller group of people that experience sadness during the summertime are known as individuals with summertime SAD. Although medical professionals are having a harder time pinpointing this type of SAD, they do know that some of the symptoms include:
- Feeling anxious
- Feeling agitated
- Reduced appetite
- Weight loss
- Difficulty sleeping and insomnia
Although the symptoms may look similar, the causes are quite different. “The causes of summer SAD could be both biological and psychological” according to Dr. Ian Cook, the director of Depression Research Program at UCLA.
Professionals have theorized that summertime sadness is triggered by:
- A disruption in typical routines or schedules
- Disruption in typical eating and sleeping habits
- Financial stress that limits summer fun
- Chronic illness that leaves people more isolated in the summer months
- Triggers of body dysmorphia or dysphoria
- Extreme heat which can feel draining or oppressive
Individuals with summertime SAD typically struggle in a different way than those with wintertime SAD because fewer people understand it. Most individuals during the summertime are happy and enjoying themselves. This feeling of needing to be part of this happy crowd is another symptom that doubles down on feelings of inadequacy and/or self-loathing.

Treating Summertime Depression
Much like other types of depression, medical professionals encourage individuals with summertime SAD to seek treatment. Therapy and medications are a great way to start treating summertime SAD when paired with other interventions according to the Center for Addition and Mental Health.
These coping strategies include:
- Avoiding Social Isolation; Make sure to pack your calendar with fun activities and great company. Also, consider making exercise part of your routine. If it is too hot to play outside, consider a gym membership or other indoor sports to keep you active during the summer months.
- Eating Healthy; Keeping track of your eating habits and staying healthy during the summer will lend itself to more energy and an elevated mood.
- Sleep regularly and on a schedule; Sometimes sleep can prove hard when you are feeling depressed. Create a sleep schedule and stick to it to help you maintain both physical and mental health during the hot season.
- Set up a budget; Summer can be expensive. Piling financial stress on top of other stressors will not help. Create a plan or budget to help you achieve what you’d like during the summer months without creating more stress or pressure.
The Center for Addiction and Mental Health points out, “while it is normal to experience mood fluctuations and some appetite and sleep changes, summer depression, is a more severe condition where symptoms cause significant distress and/or interfere with normal daily functioning." If you are suffering, do not wait to seek help. And, if you’d like more support regarding depression, join us on PatientsLikeMe. Our depression forum is full of tips and tricks for managing your condition and has highlights from people just like you!