The nervous system is incredibly complex. Made up of trillions of neurons, it connects every part of our body to the brain and spinal cord. There are a number of ways these nerves can be damaged! Whether it's age or injury, nerve damage can be a serious condition. It is estimated that around 20 million Americans have nerve damage. Here, PatientsLikeMe is going to focus on peripheral nerve damage, or damage done to any nerve not including the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The peripheral nervous system includes 43 pairs of motor and sensory nerves connecting the central nervous system to the entire body. These nerves control sensation, movement, and coordination.
What Causes Nerve Damage?
Typically, physical trauma or a diseases causes nerve damage. Health conditions are the most common way for nerve damage to occur. This can be from:
- Autoimmune conditions
- Infections
- Metabolic disease
- Heavy metal poisoning
- Poor blood flow
- Tumors
- Inherited disorders
Outside of these health conditions, there are other potential causes. These include:
- Trauma from a physical injury
- Heavy alcohol use
- Certain drugs or medications
- Pressure on a nerve

Symptoms of Nerve Damage
If you experience nerve damage, you may notice one or more of several symptoms. Here are the common signs to watch for:
- Numbness or Tingling: A feeling of numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. It might feel like wearing a tight glove or sock.
- Burning Sensation: A burning feeling in the affected area.
- Sharp Pains: Sudden, sharp pains in your hands, arms, legs, or feet.
- Weakness: Muscle weakness, especially in your arms or legs.
- Dropping Objects: Frequently dropping things you are holding.
- Buzzing Sensation: A feeling like a mild electrical shock.
- Loss of Sensation: Complete loss of feeling in the affected area.
The Sunderland Scale
Nerve injuries can vary in severity and can be classified in different ways. One of the tools is the Sunderland scale. This breaks nerve damage and pain into five degrees.
- First Degree: Temporary and reversible block at the injury site. It usually recovers within hours to weeks.
- Second Degree: Here the internal nerve fibers (axons) are damaged, but surgery is often not needed.
- Third Degree: There is damage to both axons and supporting structures. Recovery is unpredictable, and you may need surgery.
- Fourth Degree: Severe damage causing scarring that blocks nerve regeneration. Surgery is needed to repair the nerve.
- Fifth Degree: In the most severe cases the nerve is completely severed. Surgery is required to reattach the nerve.
Recognizing the symptoms of nerve damage early is crucial. Quick treatment can sometimes repair the damage, especially if the nerve is only partially damaged. If left untreated, nerves might reach a point where they cannot be repaired.

Nerve damage can significantly affect your life. It can pain, weakness, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Understanding the signs and seeking early treatment can improve your chances of recovery. If you notice any symptoms of nerve damage, talk to your doctor immediately.