Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
According to the American Psychological Association, “by definition, chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than six months and affects how a person lives their daily life. While physicians can provide treatment for the physical dimensions of chronic pain, psychologists are uniquely trained to help you manage the mental and emotional aspects of this often-debilitating condition.”

Chronic Pain vs. Acute Pain
When you bump your knee or break a bone, the immediate response from the body is also known as acute pain. This is often definted by the longevity of the pain, where the pain subsides after the body heals. Chronic pain, on the other hand, has long-lasting effects (longer than six months) and can sometimes occur for no clear reason.
How Do People Experience Chronic Pain?
Unfortunately, there are many different forms chronic pain can take which may lead to difficulty diagnosing or treating it. According to the Cleveland Clinic, some common types of chronic pain include:
- Arthritis, or joint pain
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Cancer pain near a tumor
- Headaches, including migraines
- Testicular pain (orchialgia)
- Lasting pain in scar tissue
- Muscle pain all over (such as with fibromyalgia)
- Neurogenic pain, from damage to the nerves or other parts of the nervous system
How Common is Chronic Pain?
This may be a surprising statistic, but over “25% of adults in the United States experience chronic pain,” according to The Cleveland Clinic. “Chronic pain is a common condition, and one of the most common reasons why someone seeks medical care in the United States.”

Symptoms of Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can manifest in a variety of ways. People suffering with chronic pain describe their symptoms in many ways including but not limited to aching, burning, shooting, squeezing, stiffness, stinging and throbbing. Chronic pain often affects other mental and physical health including causing anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, and mood swings.
Coping with Chronic Pain
There are several methods that can help control symptoms of chronic pain including some “over-the-counter or prescription medication, physical therapy, and less utilized treatments, such as surgery,” according to the American Psychological Association. Many people suffering from chronic pain report the importance of having strong mental health to also aid in their recovery as well. Here are a few recommendations to help those living with chronic pain:
- Stress Management: According to the Mayo Clinic, “Stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Knowing common stress symptoms can help you manage them. Stress that's not dealt with can lead to health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and diabetes.” These physical and mental impacts worsen the symptoms of chronic pain when they aren’t dealt with.
- Positive Self-Talk: This resource from Hamilton Health Sciences explains how self-talk can help us to change our narratives around the pain we experience. Though this isn’t a full-proof treatment, the narratives we tell ourselves about our strength and ability to manage pain will impact how severe the pain experience is within our brains.
- Get Outside: Exercise and movement are a critical part of a chronic pain treatment program. More on this in the section on the importance of exercise below.
- Meditate: Many folks recommend a regular body scan as an approach to identifying and being able to treat your chronic pain. Taking a moment to lay down and evaluate where your body is a great first step in coming up with a treatment plan that works for you.
- Seek Community Support: A support group can offer community, understanding, advice and empowerment from people who are experiencing similar if not the same things.
- Find Professional Help: A doctor or mental health professional may provide additional support. From prescription medications to referrals to specialists, a professional should be able to help you on your chronic pain journey.

The Importance of Exercise
Exercising when you are suffering from chronic pain can help lead to a fuller life. Lying in bed for long periods can make pain worse. Lack of activity can cause:
- Stiffness
- Weakening of muscles and bones
- Insomnia or poor sleep
- Depression or loneliness
- Worsened pain
You may also find it becomes harder to get going again. Choose an exercise regimen that is both manageable and realistic. Some good options include walking, swimming, dancing, yoga, Pilates, and stretching.
Different Experiences
We want to note that although these generic recommendations may be great for some, everyone experiences chronic pain differently. If these ideas feel overwhelming or impossible, do not get discouraged. Start with something small like meditation or working on your inner monologue. That self-talk goes a long way in treating your condition. When we are talking about life-long chronic conditions, every bit of effort counts. We’re rooting for you!