We all know that when we don’t sleep for an extended period of time our physical health suffers. We feel groggy, lethargic, and have difficulty concentrating. But sleep deprivation is not just a detriment to our bodies. It also takes a huge toll on our minds. According to the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry, there is “robust evidence supporting that sleep is critical to not only our physical health but also our mental health. Poor or insufficient sleep has been found to increase negative emotional responses to stressors and to decrease positive emotions.”
The Importance of Sleep for Mental Health
So why does sleeping matter so much to our mental health? Put plainly, sleeping helps us to regulate. Healthy sleep is critical to many brain and body functions. It helps us “maintain cognitive skills, such as attention, learning, and memory” and allows us to process our experiences from the day. Regular sleep deprivation can make it more difficult to cope with stress and even, over an extended period of time, skew our perceptions of the world.
Causes for Sleep Difficulties and Insomnia
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, “causes you to have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting good quality sleep.” There are many factors that can contribute to insomnia. Some factors include chronic stress, traveling or challenging work schedules, and eating too much late in the evening. But for some, insomnia is not just an occasional occurrence. It can become chronic because of:
Certain medications: Caffeine and stimulants are a surefire way to struggle with sleep. Some pain medications, allergy and cold medications, and weight-loss products contain these substances that make falling and staying asleep difficult.
Chronic medical conditions: According to the Mayo Clinic, “chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), overactive thyroid, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease” have all been linked with insomnia.

Sleep apnea: The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute says “Sleep apnea is a common condition in which your breathing stops and restarts many times while you sleep. This can prevent your body from getting enough oxygen.”
Substance use: Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol all can contribute to sleep issues. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that will keep you alert and awake and make it incredibly difficult to fall and stay asleep. Alcohol, on the other hand, may help you to pass out, especially if you drink enough, but it is notorious for preventing deeper stages of sleep such as REM.
Other Risk Factors for Sleep and Mental Health
There are other risk factors that can increase the likelihood of experiencing insomnia, especially as you age. As you get older you might experience changes in sleep patterns, the lessening of exercise or physical activity, changes in health - specifically chronic pain and conditions that cause chronic pain, and the need to take more medications whose side-effects interfere with sleep.
You are also at a higher risk of insomnia if you are a woman, especially around the age of menopause or perimenopause. Shifts in hormones can result in night sweating or hot flashes that make restful nights difficult to attain.
The Psychological Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Insomnia is a common side effect of several mental health disorders including anxiety and depression. But did you know that not getting enough sleep can increase your risk for mental health disorders? Studies have shown that “otherwise healthy people have experienced increased anxiety and distress levels as a result of poor sleep.” The National Library of Medicine also reports that “a growing body of research indicates that sleep disturbances are associated with suicidal ideation and behaviors.”
Of course, it can feel like a never-ending cycle where poor sleep results in mental health issues, and mental health issues can result in poor quality sleep. What can you do?
Mental Health Side Effects of Poor Sleep
As we mentioned poor sleep is a side effect of many conditions but it can also amplify poor mental health in a variety of ways.
Brain Fog
Our brains need sleep to operate at their fullest capacity. So when we don't get enough sleep, it leads to brain fog which often feels like confusion or trouble concentrating. You may find it's more difficult to recall certain memories or find the right words, making it difficult to be productive.
Mood Changes
Not getting enough sleep may cause mood changes, including increased irritability. Research finds that lack of sleep can lead to increased levels of anger and aggression. When we are sleep deprived we are less likely to feel in control of our emotions and we may unintentionally take that frustration and irritability out on those around us.
Behavioral Changes
Lack of sleep can lead to increased impulsivity, hyperactivity, and emotional outbursts. We might notice that we struggle to interact with other people and have a "short fuse" meaning a lack of tolerance or empathy for mistakes others make around us or easily annoyed by their actions.
Aside of lack of sleep being the source of your stress, it can make it difficult to manage stress of all levels. Daily hassles can turn into major sources of frustration and you might find yourself feeling frazzled by everyday occurrences.

Natural Ways to Improve Sleep
There are several natural remedies to improve sleep health, though the research is inconclusive on how much they help.
Herbal treatments
According to the National Institute of Health some centuries-old herbal treatments such as valerian, passionflower, lemon balm, lavender, and Californian poppy may help.
An herb that was traditionally used as a sedative and treatment for anxiety. It is still widely used to treat insomnia and anxiety. Some limited findings show that valerian may reduce the time needed to fall asleep and may improve sleep quality. Patients reported they didn't feel the morning grogginess when using valerian.
An herb used for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. Scientists believe passionflower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA lowers the activity of some brain cells, making you feel more relaxed. Passionflower is milder than valerian and is often combined with valerian or lemon balm.
Lemon Balm
An herb used for cold sores, anxiety, stress, insomnia, indigestion, and dementia. Lemon balm contains chemicals that seem to have a sedative and calming effect.
An herb used to help calm the the nervous system and help ease insomnia. Specifically the use of lavender tea boosts the production of dopamine and reduces the stress hormone known as cortisol.
Californian Poppy
The California Poppy is more than California's state flower. It is an herb traditionally used to treat pain and sleep disturbances. PatientsLikeMe patients have reported using the California Poppy tincture as a sleep aid.
Relaxation techniques
There are many ways you can create a relaxing environment before bed time.
- Meditation
- Deep breathing
- Brain wave music
- Visualization
- Limit screen time
- Write in a journal
- Take a bath
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health explains that “melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness. As a result, it helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock) and with sleep.
Ways to Practice Sleep Hygiene
Another terrific way to improve your sleep is by practicing sleep hygiene. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that “sleep hygiene is simply good sleeping habits.” By developing a system or routine before bed, you better set yourself up for success. Some habits that can improve your sleep health:
- Create a sleep schedule: Commit to going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even when it’s the weekend.
- Create time to wind down before bed: Try reading or writing with a dimly lit lamp. Do not read or write on electronic devices.
- Don’t take your midday nap.
- Remove electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smartphones, from the bedroom
- Create habits around daily exercise
- Create a quiet, cool, and dark environment in your bedroom and make sure your mattress and pillow are high-quality and comfortable.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and large meals at night

Of course, developing these habits at once might feel overwhelming, especially if you are already struggling with a mental health disorder. Instead of trying to completely revamp your sleeping habits at one time, try implementing some of the habits recommended above to see if they start to improve your sleep health.
Seek Professional Help for Sleep and Your Mental Health
It should be noted that it is critical if you are struggling with a sleep disorder or sleep disturbances to seek professional help. Although natural remedies and over-the-counter medications are available to aid sleep, the long-term effects of these remedies are still under-researched.
Knowing that sleep deprivation can cause the onset of conditions that are as serious as suicidal ideation means this is no game. A professional therapist or psychiatrist will be able to help you navigate this condition safely and appropriately.
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