Anxiety is a normal part of the human condition. As individuals, we experience different types of anxiety regularly. This anxiety is usually categorized as “worry.” Worry about money, family, jobs, etc. But for people who are suffering from an anxiety disorder, small “worries” turn into big, overwhelming thoughts and feelings that can become difficult to manage.
What are the different types of anxiety disorders?
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are many types of anxiety disorders, including GAD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. These disorders all have different criteria, which make them difficult to live with. People with GAD, for instance, experience anxiety for months if not years. Want to learn more about these conditions?
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
This condition causes a person to feel overwhelming anxiety or dread that interferes with daily life. Not to be confused with standard forms of worry or stress, this persistent and unbearable anxiety usually causes people immense distress. As stated above, this disorder will cause anxiety to last for months or even years.
According to the DSM-5, GAD is categorized and diagnosed by the following criteria:
- Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
- Being easily fatigued
- Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
- Irritability
- Muscle tension
- Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep)

Panic Disorders and Agoraphobia
Panic Disorders and Agoraphobia: These disorders are often categorized by frequent or uncontrollable panic attacks, which may cause a person to avoid people, places, and things that may trigger these attacks. Agoraphobia can develop as a complication of a panic disorder, where there is a worsening of avoidance that includes:
- Avoiding using public transportation
- Avoiding being in open spaces
- Avoiding being in enclosed spaces (e.g., shops, theaters, cinemas)
- Avoiding standing in line or being in a crowd
- Avoiding being outside the home alone.
During a panic attack, one might experience the following:
- A racing heartbeat
- Shortness of breath
- Trembling
- Dizziness
- Muscle tension
Both agoraphobia and panic disorders are very closely related, but it should be noted that not all people with agoraphobia have a history of panic attacks, and not all people with a panic disorder suffer from agoraphobia. Instead, it is necessary to consult with a doctor to determine which disorders may impact your life.
Social Anxiety and Social Phobia
Social Anxiety Disorder/Social Phobia: This disorder is categorized by a deep, persistent fear of being scrutinized by others. Situations can include conversations, meeting new people, being observed eating or drinking, or even performing something like a speech. Exposure to these situations results in immense fear or anxiety for the individual suffering from this disorder. According to NAMI, these fears can interfere with work, school, or everyday tasks such as grocery shopping.
Physical and physiological symptoms of social anxiety disorder can include:
- Blushing, sweating, shaking or heart racing.
- Extreme nausea.
- Avoiding eye contact.
- A stiffness in posture.
Also, this helpful list from the Cleveland Clinic includes thoughts and behaviors that can be signs of social anxiety disorder:
- Being self-conscious in front of others.
- Feeling embarrassed or awkward in front of people.
- Feeling your mind “go blank” and not knowing what to say to other people.
- Feeling very afraid or worried that other people will judge you negatively or reject you.
- Finding it scary and hard to be around other people, especially strangers.
- Avoiding places where there are people.
Risk Factors for Anxiety
Leading industry professionals believe both genetics, as well as environmental factors, can play a role in developing an anxiety disorder. Both exposure to traumatic events and/or a history of anxiety or other mental and mood disorders are thought to contribute to the onset of anxiety
. Symptoms can be worsened by physical health conditions such as heart arrhythmia or thyroid issues and can also be triggered by caffeine or other substances.
How is Anxiety Treated?
The two main ways anxiety is treated are through talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy and medication. There are many forms of psychotherapy, but the most trusted type for treating anxiety is typically CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. It is considered the “golden standard” within the therapeutic community. This form of therapy helps to teach you different ways of thinking and helps alter your habits and ways of reacting to live a happier and more worry-free life. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Exposure therapy is a CBT method that is used to treat anxiety disorders.

Exposure therapy focuses on confronting the fears underlying an anxiety disorder to help people engage in activities they have been avoiding.” Another form of therapy is known as ACT or acceptance and commitment therapy. In this form of therapy, you focus on mindfulness and goal-setting to lessen anxiety. Relaxation techniques may also be paired with this form of therapy to create a more holistic treatment regimen.
Medication for Coping with Anxiety
Medications may include antidepressants, benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety meds), and beta-blockers. Why do these medications work for anxiety? Antidepressants can alter the way your brain uses certain chemicals, such as serotonin, which directly impacts mood. Benzodiazepines are most effective in treating anxiety disorders.
Unfortunately, one of the side effects is quickly building up a tolerance to this category of medication. As a result, most doctors will only prescribe these for short periods. And beta-blockers can relieve the physical symptoms of anxiety by lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Beta-blockers can also be used to treat acute anxiety and temporarily relieve symptoms that may lead to panic.
How Do You Cope with Anxiety?
One of the most common ways people deal with anxiety is through mindfulness or stress management. Some examples of this include visualization, meditation, yoga and even journaling. But there are other ways you can help ease your mind. This includes:

Regular exercise: Physical activity is known to lower stress and boost mood. Exercising regularly and purposefully has no downsides when it comes to treating anxiety.
Avoiding mind-and-mood-altering substances: Alcohol and recreational drugs heighten symptoms of anxiety. Period. By avoiding these, you are happier, healthier, and safer.
Quitting caffeine and nicotine: Both chemicals can increase heart rate and worsen feelings of anxiety. They do not help.
Learning about your disorder: Ask your healthcare provider to help you understand the specifics around your condition. Which kind of anxiety do you have? How does it impact you? What are the symptoms? The more you know, the more you can do about it.
Sticking to your treatment plan: This may seem obvious, but if you are getting medication that you are not taking or have a therapist but do not attend your sessions, you are not going to get better. Sticking to a treatment regimen is critical to becoming your best self.
Whether you are new to the struggle or have been fighting this battle for a long time, it is always good to seek out the proper channels for treatment of a mental or mood disorder. If you are unable to seek out traditional forms of treatment because of health insurance or other costs, try finding a support group with others who understand your struggle. Anxiety is no picnic, but it is manageable with the right support. Visit PatientsLikeMe for a community of people who can help you feel supported.