The PatientsLikeMe team has been traveling around the globe recently talking about the power of real-world patient data in changing healthcare. You may have heard about our executives at industry conferences, government hearings, or even on TV. Highlights below.
Last month, PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood was on Fox Business News talking about how industry is engaging directly with patients and tuning into the "unvarnished truth" patients are sharing about their real-world disease experiences.
Earlier in March, we launched our PatientsLikeMeOnCallTM podcast series to bring to you our leaders' perspectives on topics that impact you, the patient, and the healthcare industry as a whole. We kicked off the series with Ben's interview regarding Fast Company recognition. You can check out that one and the rest of our podcasts on iTunes or click on the links below to start listening to a specific interview. As podcast host Aaron Fleishman says, "thanks for stopping by and listening and we'll talk to you next time."
Listen | Ben Heywood (Co-founder, President) answers questions about the launch of our new organ transplants community and our collaboration with Novartis
Listen | David S. Williams III (Chief Marketing Officer) shares industry best practices in using social media for clinical trial recruitment (recently presented at the CHI SCOPE conference)
Listen | Paul Wicks Ph.D. (R&D Director) discusses nexus of personalized medicine and information technology (highlights from his presentation given at a Personalized Conference event by ASU, Mayo Clinic, AAAS, FDLI)
Listen | Jamie Heywood (Co-founder, Chairman) visits "on call" to talk about the impact of real-world experience on drug safety
Listen | Sally Okun RN (Health Data Integrity Manager) gives her perspective on improving patient engagement and fostering patient-provider partnerships through tools like the Doctor Visit Sheet (highlights from her presentation at the Patient E-Centered Health event by The Stevens Institute of Technology)
- Watch | Maureen Oakes (Product Manager) shows you cool new website functionalities making their debut with the new transplants community
- Watch | Paul Wicks Ph.D. (R&D Director) talks about the value of patients measuring quality of life through online patient-reported outcome