A warm smile. An assuring word. A difficult message delivered with empathy. Has a doctor or other healthcare professional ever made a difference in your life? If you know someone who embodies compassionate care, our partners at The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare want to hear about it.
Their National Compassionate Caregiver of the Year (NCCY) Award recognizes those who make a profound difference through their unmatched dedication to compassionate, collaborative care – or as Ken Schwartz has said, whose “acts of kindness have made the unbearable bearable.”
Last year we profiled all six finalists, including Rick Boyte, MD, who received the award. At the Annual Kenneth B. Schwartz Compassionate Healthcare dinner in Boston, Dr. Boyte spoke of his patients and their families while accepting the honor, “They are my heroes and the most courageous people I’ve ever met. They’re just getting through their lives. And the love and devotion I’ve seen from families is amazing.”
For this 17th annual year of the NCCY Award, you and others once again have the chance to put forth the name of a caregiver whose caring and compassion has made your health journey a better one. The nomination deadline is March 31, 2016.