Search all top treatments
Treatment | Category | Patients |
Creating stories in my head | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Deep pressure therapy | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
DIR/Floortime | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic Kampuku Beauty Bar | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Ejaculation | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Executive Function Therapy | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Gambler's Anonymous | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Get Rid of Chocolate Addiction | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Guide Dog | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Health Spa | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Hiking w/altitude gain of 600 feet | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Hookah | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Internal dialogue | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Jidue Sleep Mask | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Keeping a calendar | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Long sleeve clothing | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Micellar water | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Multiple showers | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Nail Tek | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
No electronics | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Oasis Tears Plus | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Palmer Handwriting Method | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Performance art | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Pilgrimage | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Pipes and Drums Band | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Printmaking | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Reframing thoughts | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Restricted tool use | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Sacred Harp singing | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |
Scrapbooking | Lifestyle Modification | 1 |