How do members experience Potassium chloride?

Top 5 reported purposes & perceived effectiveness

Purpose Patients Evaluations Perceived Effectiveness
Low potassium (hypokalemia) 263 53
Increase effect of another treatment 56 17
General health 39 6
Treat side effects of another treatment 8 6
Stiffness/spasticity 7 0

Common side effects

Side effect Patients Percentage
Stomach pain 2
Chest tightness 1
Lightheadedness 1
Nausea 1
Shortness of breath (dyspnea) 1

Side effect severity

Side effects as an overall problem
Severity Evaluations Percentage
Severe 1
Moderate 3
Mild 10
None 84

Member evaluations


evaluated on Nov 19, 2020

  • Perceived effectiveness for low potassium (hypokalemia): Moderate
  • Side effects: None


evaluated on Feb 15, 2016

  • Perceived effectiveness for low potassium (hypokalemia): Can't tell
  • Side effects: None


evaluated on Mar 03, 2016

  • Perceived effectiveness for Support heart health: Slight
  • Side effects: None